Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Flame On!!

click for high resolution

3 days ago.i was exposed to the acid rain due to the nuclear problems in japan and the very next morning..i had this constant tingling sensation on my hands.. and suddenly it began to fire up!!. 



i just learned to make smoke and fire on PS.. its kinda cool..i love it..i think ill be creating more art with smoke and fire..finding out and perfecting the technique was hard..but once you know the technique..its very very simple to make smoke and fire.. love it!!. i was in the middle on another project when i just decided to do this..it took me like maybe 3 hours to complete it..?. and another 2 hours to just edit it slowly.. =)

hows the art.?.


Friday, March 18, 2011

say its true

click for high resolution

did this a long time ago.. actually the theme for this was "fireworks".. but i didnt complete it and probably not gonna complete it.!!.

ill just upload it.. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011


click for high resolution 

made this for kalodin. i got the idea from sexy aka ramesh actually. He did something like this first and showed it to me.. thanks sexy.!! =D

anyone interested in the band, here's their FB website. www.facebook.com/kalodin



Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hello Guys,

click for high resolution picture

say hello to Sibani Limbu!!

Usually people ask  me to make something for them with their picture, but this time, i asked Sibani if i can use her picture for my Art instead. We re friends on Facebook and ive always noticed her profile pictures, its always good. Good in a way that her pictures are at the right contrast. not underexposed or overexposed and somehow the details in her eyes are always captured in the picture even tough it dosent look like she used a nice expensive camera..

i saw a picture on Deviantart. and it was very abstract and it used colors. i decided to make something similar of my own. Hence all the colors in this one. but for this one i didnt make it so abstract. but i will next time round.

was my first time using colors in this kind of theme. its alright right??. haha..

how's the ART ?

K .!!..BYE and thanks sibani for letting me use your picture =D

so many ideas in my head right now, but so little time.!!.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ides of March

click for high resolution picture

Hello, This is something which i completed today..took the whole day.!!.literally..i was woken up at like 9 plus..ate lunch by 10.30am..and after that i was on the lap top using photoshop till like dinner time,ard 7plus.and after dinner i did touch ups again for about an hour. and through out the day, the only time i didnt use Photoshop was when i went to the toilet once for 3 mins to pee and when davin came to my place..and he only stayed for 10 minutes.!!.

GOOD TIMES though.!!.love photoshop.

but before i started on this picture, i was working on another project.will be up soon hopefully..

alright..abt the pic, Ides of March. this design is actually for a shirt. It is for a concert which will be happening on the 26 of  march 2011, organized by ktmROCKS to commemorate their 10 years anniversary!! 

I am really honored to have designed the shirt for ktmROCKS. Feel like i had a role in making history. c'mon!!..10 year anniversary. that  is a very very big deal.!!. congratulations to ktmRocks !!

i designed the whole logo myself and the font. for the logo i was going for a "roman..war..swords.." theme..it kinda looks like a shield.with spears coming out. doesnt it..? the font..idk..i just created it and went with the flow..just wated it to look metal..when i mean metal..i mean the music genre metal.. btw.!!

i may be all over the place..kinda feel like i am..ive not been getting enough sleep for the past few days.!!. i feel so dazed now..

i really want to go now.. if not ill type more nonsense!!


comment pls.. 

oh yea.. one very impt thing to note.. the design had to be black and white with no other colors.. it kinda restricted my creativity. If not for that, im sure i could have done so much more with it.!!.  that is y the logo is kinda simple.. i had to keep it simple cause the only colors were black and white..and if the design was complicated, it would have clashed with the words and it would have been hard to read the words...

bands and people interested..holler..

bye for real..

Thursday, March 3, 2011


hey everyone..

click for high resolution picture

This is just something else which is within my scope too. I can also design artwork for Bands too. From the Logo, Font to Pictures.. 

In the picture, the "kalodin" font was designed by me.i looked at lots of other fonts first and then only i created my own. The pic too is also designed by me.How i created that one was, i took pictures of different scluptures and statues.. (btw..can someone correct my spelling for "scluptures") thanks in advance.!!.
so yea..i took pics and in the end.i just mix them up..yeap..yeap..tts my secret guys.. 

so yea..if ur in a band and ur looking at this and ur interested in something for ur band..feel free to approach me.!!. 

till then.bye!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hello ppl.. had to post this cause, i wanna say that..im not happy with the work just below this..or previous to this..the "vectors 2" .. i made a mistake..usually when im done with my work.ill use up to 1-2 days to just look at the finished art.. and then from there ill see and pick up my mistakes..however for the "vectors 2" i did not do that..i straight away uploaded it here and in my FB..so now when i look at it..it looks horrible.!!.gosh.. haha.. so ppl.. i hope i dont get judged by my "vectors 2" art..i know its not nice.!!.and i shall re-edit it again and upload it.. =D..

k.!!. bye.. oh yea.. i actually have some of my artwork in Deviant ART.. you can find me at http://aaaasssshhhh.deviantart.com/

and another cool news worth mentioning is that, some company approached me in deviantART and they acutally said they re interested in purchasing licences for my ART..i still dont know what they mean..gonna discuss further through email..

hope things goes out well..

Bye beautiful ppl..thanks for stopping by.!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vectors 2

click for high resolution picture

Hello everyone.. or shd i say..hello Anna.. hows it hanging.??.hahaha
k..before i rant..as u can see on the right side of the page, me being the IT savvy kid, i have installed a chatbox in my Blog after receiving many many many feedbacks from you viewers,...kidding..=D.from the feedback given by rajan,. so i really hope i get some comments..will really make my day.!!.and p.s you dont have to have a blogspot acc to leave a comment either on the chat box or in the blog entry itself..

k.anways..did this just for fun..again was playing with vectors..i started this like many days ago, but i didnt really focus on this art cause i was busy with the others..but today i just decided to work on it..and this is the final result..
its alright.. just did it for fun and maybe to learn something along the way..

what do u guys think...(leave your interesting or creative responses on the comment section BELOWWW...so tell me forum..whatss ... ) haha..inside joke..=)